
Garage and car painting

Identity and website
Renato Ilari e Hijos SRL Renato Ilari e Hijos SRL Renato Ilari e Hijos SRL Renato Ilari e Hijos SRL Renato Ilari e Hijos SRL Renato Ilari e Hijos SRL


Renato Ilari is a garage and car painting company with many years of experience located in our city.

Project information


We were called to do the branding and web site for Talleres Ilari.

After we established the new brand, we continue to design the website. Along with out customer collaboration, using good and descriptive images of each service offered and the products that they use and comercialize in order to show the professionalism and quality that the workshop offers.

The result was a solid and clean brand in symbiosis with a very aesthetic, modern and functional website. Leo, thank you very much for trusting us!

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